
Best mac terminal commands
Best mac terminal commands

best mac terminal commands

If you have any favorites that didn’t make the list, feel free to share them in the comments below. The Mac Terminal commands above aren’t exhaustive by any means, but they should provide lots of use cases as you keep using your Mac. $ defaults write disable-shadow -bool TRUE killall SystemUIServerĭefaults write showhidden -bool TRUE killall Dockĭefaults write persistent-apps -array-add ‘’ killall Dockĭefaults write ChimeOnAllHardware -bool true open /System/Library/CoreServices/PowerChime.app Actionĭefaults write AppleShowAllFiles true killall Finderĭefaults write name “New Name” killall SystemUIServer 15 Additional Terminal Commands for MacĬan’t get enough of the Terminal? Here are 15 additional commands that you should know. Tip: Type say -v ? and press Enter to reveal additional voices. Go back to the terminal configuration, and set it as your theme font.You can also make the Mac speak in different voices. Download it from, open its ttf folder, select all files, right-click and press Open to install it.

best mac terminal commands

I like to use Fira Code, a free programmers friendly font with ligatures (the nice things with arrows).

best mac terminal commands

That’s it! The theme is now applied and available in the configuration: Right-click it and click “Open”, as it’s not a signed binary (otherwise macOS prevents it from running). One I like is Dracula ( ) Just click the “Raw” button and save it as Dracula.terminal. There is a huge number of great themes to choose from. Press cmd-, or click Terminal -> Preferences. Your shell should now have a nice prompt, and colours! We just need to change the background - that needs to be set in the Terminal app preferences. Now exit and press enter in the shell, to close the configuration program. Then click the prompt to set the favourite prompt and click “Set Prompt”. Type fish_config to enter the (awesome) configuration tool: Try opening a new terminal window, you’ll see Fish greeting you: Type chsh -s /opt/homebrew/bin/fish to change your default shell to Fish. Now press the esc key and then type :wq to save the file and exit the editor. Run sudo vim /etc/shells, and press the i key to enter insert mode, then add /opt/homebrew/bin/fish at the end of this list. Now we need to make Fish our default shell. It will take some time as it needs to download the Xcode command line tools from Apple. This will take care of installing the Brew package manager, which is an incredible tool.

Best mac terminal commands